Welcome to the start of a page of two of my many admirable creatures of our beautiful Earth.....if we can save them from Man that is!!!
I only just realized a couple of days ago March 23, 2013 upon viewing the video of Wild Horse release - White Mountain, Wyoming that while I was traveling from British Columbia, Canada to Blackfoot, Idaho, U.S.A. for a dog show, I truly did see a small band of Wild Horses.
Unfortunately at the time I was behind a slow moving vehicle which I was going to pass when they started to slow down more so I now had to pass them and I thought why are they slowing down and what are they looking at!!!! Dang ..... then I saw them ... WILD HORSES!!! Only then at that time I thought they were ... just someones horses....! I would love to travel back there to see them as I enjoyed my four day trip so much however with all the wolf hunting going on I do not want to support those States ..... :( On that note I must look into my own province!
I only just realized a couple of days ago March 23, 2013 upon viewing the video of Wild Horse release - White Mountain, Wyoming that while I was traveling from British Columbia, Canada to Blackfoot, Idaho, U.S.A. for a dog show, I truly did see a small band of Wild Horses.
Unfortunately at the time I was behind a slow moving vehicle which I was going to pass when they started to slow down more so I now had to pass them and I thought why are they slowing down and what are they looking at!!!! Dang ..... then I saw them ... WILD HORSES!!! Only then at that time I thought they were ... just someones horses....! I would love to travel back there to see them as I enjoyed my four day trip so much however with all the wolf hunting going on I do not want to support those States ..... :( On that note I must look into my own province!
Some of my wonderful and memorable experiences with wolves and foxes while I was doing photography when my daughter was young.
In the 1) first photo of the fox (forget the name) looking into my camera case is a little fox that cached over ten peafowl within a couple of hours. These animals are wild and no matter what you do or offer them, they still fall onto what their instincts tell them to do!
The wolf cubs in the 2) second and 3) third photos were a joy to photograph and hard to leave!
The 4) fourth photo is a silver tipped fox named Rascal playing with my shepard husky SPCA Special Akeila. The 5) fifth photo is of my daughter and I holding Rascal whom I was told I was the only one that could handle without getting bit! Needless to say I felt very privileged! :)
Click here for more photos of a silver tipped fox and a description of how the silver tipped fox
is a melanistic form of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes).
In the 1) first photo of the fox (forget the name) looking into my camera case is a little fox that cached over ten peafowl within a couple of hours. These animals are wild and no matter what you do or offer them, they still fall onto what their instincts tell them to do!
The wolf cubs in the 2) second and 3) third photos were a joy to photograph and hard to leave!
The 4) fourth photo is a silver tipped fox named Rascal playing with my shepard husky SPCA Special Akeila. The 5) fifth photo is of my daughter and I holding Rascal whom I was told I was the only one that could handle without getting bit! Needless to say I felt very privileged! :)
Click here for more photos of a silver tipped fox and a description of how the silver tipped fox
is a melanistic form of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes).
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Wolves![]() Red Fox
Not a Wolf
however a tremendous sighting just the same. A special thank you to my daughter for having her cell phone at her side to have the wonderful opportunity to capture this beautiful shot in her backyard in Alberta!!! July 13, 2016 WOW!!!
*** 50,000 Years Old Ice Age Wolf Pup Discovered In Canada * A little bit about Coyotes * Human shielding from predators Books to read by Rick Lamplugh *In the Temple of Wolves: A Winter's Immersion in Wild Yellowstone *Deep into Yellowstone: A Year's Immersion in Grandeur and Controversy ![]() Save B.C. Wolves!
Pacific Wild Denny Island, B.C., Canada January 15, 2015 B.C. Government green-lights controversial wolf hunt in the South Selkirk and South Peace regions. As many as 184 wolves to be shot from helicopters. Decades of habitat destruction and human encroachment have left BC’s mountain caribou on the edge of survival. Instead of protecting critical food and habitat for caribou, such as the lichen rich interior forests, the BC government has now placed the blame on wolves. Over 180 wolves are now being targeted for aerial killing in the next two months. These highly social and intelligent animals, icons of our natural heritage, should not be killed because of government negligence. Killing all the wolves in BC won’t bring the caribou back in the absence of habitat protection. Wolves are highly social and intelligent animals and research shows that predator kill programs increase reproductive rates in wolves and destabilizes pack structure causing more predation of livestock and other non-native prey. It is the view of Pacific Wild that this announcement is scientifically unsound and that wolves are being used as a scapegoat to divert attention from the fundamental problem of ongoing habitat destruction and displacement caused by human encroachment. "This is not management, it’s a tax-payer funded kill program of one of our most iconic species.” said Ian McAllister, Conservation Director for Pacific Wild. "This is not only a horrific day for wolves in British Columbia but a sad day for public engagement and policy that will surely bring international condemnation to our borders." *(PLEASE NOTE you are NOT donating to Pacific Wild when asked after you have signed the petition - you are donating to change.org) Please consider DONATING to Pacific Wild's Save BC Wolves Indiegogo campaign here. Learn more and support the campaign to end the wolf kill and educate the public about this issue. Go to: www.pacificwild.org to learn more and take action Share through social media: @pacificwild #saveBCwolves Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Contact Pacific Wild: [email protected] Pacific Wild is a B.C. based non-profit wildlife conservation organization and a leading advocate for changes to wolf management in British Columbia. www.pacificwild.org _Wolves
* Wolves return to Lamar Valley - Deby Dixon Photography * Wolf Collaring - Pinnacle Peak pack, Wyoming, U.S.A. * The Imperiled American Wolf * Living with Wolves * Call of the Wild - Sixty Minutes * Project WOLF * Restore decency, stop killing wolves - Minnesota * Tribute to 06 the Legendary Queen of Lamar * The Importance of Predators * A Tale of Two Sheep Farmers * Running with Wolves: Gudrun Returns to the Wild * WhiteWolfPack * The Hidden Life of Wolves Jim and Jamie Dutcher spent six years living with wolves. What they learned might surprise you. * Wolves of the Rocky Mountains * Dr.Karen Becker - Do Wolves Raised by Humans Turn Into Dogs? Wolves- The Rose
When a dog loves you, You feel flattered. When a wolf befriends you You will be moved close to tears Petitions for Wolves
* Block The Wolf Kill Contest - in British Columbia, Canada
* Howling For Justice * Montana Wolves * Wolves need Federal Protection * Tell Congress: Protect Wolves in the Lower 48 * Wolf Bounties-Alberta, Canada
* The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is considering the removal of nearly all Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves in the lower 48 states. This delisting would be a conservation nightmare. Show your support for wolves retaining the federal protection they need to ensure their recovery in the wild. Sign the petition here: www.bit.ly/DontDelistWolves9 * Help tell US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsak to investigate the cover-up of the killing of a seriously endangered Mexican Gray Wolf by a yet to be named Wildlife Services agent! Please sign and share this petition. http://bit.ly/ZdDZtP Some Wolf Facts
-Wolves are built for long distance travel. Their long legs, big lungs and heart gives them a cruising speed of eight miles per hour. They can average 50 kilometers a day.
-A wolves brain is 30% bigger than a dogs, helping them navigate their territory effectively. -Wolves leave scent marks every 100 meters or so along their trails and boundaries lasting for weeks warning others to keep out. Traps
Courtesy of Trap Free Oregon: How to Open Traps to Release your Companion Animal!
For those who have requested, this covers the leghold trap, choke snare trap, and the conibear trap. * Pet Release Brochure * Trap Free Oregon * The killing agency: Wildlife Services' brutal methods leave a trail of animal death Black Wolf
* A wolf walking through a snowy landscape. Black Wolf, officially known as Yellowstone Wolf #302, was one of the most notorious members of the Druid Peak Pack, dubbed “the Casanova wolf” for his tendency to court multiple Druid females at once.
http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/galleries/episode-the-rise-of-black-wolf/at/5167_rise-black-wolf-08_04700300-2667/ Black Wolf was not Alpha male until later in his life. *************************************************** http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/episodes/the-rise-of-black-wolf/ Follow the journey of a rebel named Black Wolf who breaks from his pack and survives to be one of the oldest wolves in Yellowstone. He'll travel paved roads most wolves avoid at all costs as he ventures out to mate with a rival pack's females. At nearly twice the age most wolves reach, Black Wolf's unorthodox lifestyle likely means he has more pups than any wolf in Yellowstone. NGC cameras capture the action when he finally achieves alpha male status in his own pack. ************************************************** The Lone Black Wolf - Yellowstone Reflections http://dipperanch.blogspot.ca/2012/12/the-lone-black-wolf-yellowstone.html In the Valley of the Wolves
Video: Casanova and the Druid Daughter A lone black wolf named Casanova covets the daughter of the powerful patriarch of the Druid wolf pack. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/episodes/in-the-valley-of-the-wolves/video-casanova-and-the-druid-daughter/222/ *************************************************
The Rise Of Black Wolf | Nat Geo Wild - National Geographic Channel . A successful wolf pack survives by keeping order, respecting hierarchy and obeying the leaders. In Yellowstone National Park, several ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wpd9TJTCMFk ************************************************
Wildlife - Black Wolf in Yellowstone National Parkblog.freeroamingphotography.com/.../black-wolf-in-yellowsto...May 12, 2009 – A black wolf poses near Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_wolf Genetics and ancestry
Adolph Murie was among the first wolf biologists to speculate that the wide color variation in wolves was due to interbreeding with dogs;[14] "I suppose that some of the variability exhibited in these wolves could have resulted from crossings in the wild with dogs. Such crosses in the wild have been reported and the wolf in captivity crosses readily with dogs. Some years ago at Circle, Alaska, a wolf hung around the settlement for some time and some of the dogs were seen with it. The people thought that the wolf was a female attracted to the dogs during the breeding period. However, considerable variability is probably inherent in the species, enough perhaps to account for the variations noted in the park and in skins examined. The amount of crossing with dogs has probably not been sufficient to alter much the genetic composition of the wolf population." — The Wolves of Mount McKinley by Adolph Murie, 1944, ISBN 0-295-96203-8, 978-0-295-96203-0, 238 pages In 2008, Dr. Gregory S. Barsh, a professor of genetics and pediatrics at the Stanford University School of Medicine used molecular genetic techniques to analyze DNA sequences from 150 wolves, half of them black, in Yellowstone National Park, which covers parts of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. It was discovered that a gene mutation responsible for the protein beta-defensin 3, known as the K locus, is responsible for the black coat color in dogs.[15] After finding that the same mutation was responsible for black wolves in North America and the Italian Apennines, he set out to discover the origin of the mutation. Dr. Barsh and his colleagues concluded that the mutation arose in dogs 12,779 to 121,182 years ago, with a preferred date of 46,886 years ago after comparing large sections of wolf, dog and coyote genomes.[1] At the University of California, Los Angeles, Robert K. Wayne, a canine evolutionary biologist, stated that he believed that dogs were the first to have the mutation. He further stated that even if it originally arose in Eurasian wolves, it was passed on to dogs who, soon after their arrival, brought it to the New World and then passed it to wolves and coyotes.[16] Black wolves with recent dog ancestry tend to retain black pigment longer as they age.[17] |
Wild HorsesHorses (Donkeys and Camels as well) in
Cairo, Egypt need your help. Please visit "Our Story" Also visit them on Facebook Prince Fluffy Kareem ♥ I came across this video of how some "people" create the high stepping horses in some countries!
I had no idea or perhaps I never ever thought about it at the time when in Mexico I saw one of these gallant beautiful horses ...... Another one I came across with the "Dancing Horses"!!! Really are these people for real!!!!!! I could not even imagine what would have happened to many of us horse lovers if were happened along this scene!!!! Probably jail ...... :( Educate everywhere you can folks!!! ![]() It's been 42 years since President Nixon signed the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. Much has changed in the last four decades, but what hasn't changed is the grassroots support of Americans who refuse to sit by as wild horses and burros are eliminated from our public lands. On this anniversary, we must continue to recognize the threat that these iconic animals face and recommit ourselves to doing all that we can to strengthen protections for America's wild horses and burros. Horses and Wild Horses
* Amazing Galloping Horses - view with either coffee or wine :)
* *BASK ♥ An Arabian Wonder Horse!!! * Horses In Dream - view with either coffee or wine :) * Garrochistas - Exhibition SICAB 10 * Mustang Advocates Protest BLM (Bureau of Land Management's)Helicopter Roundups * Native Wild Horse Protection -Articles, Resources & Organizations * Protect Mustangs - Education, outreach and action to protect America's native wild horses. Extremely strong SCIENTIFIC CRITICISM of BLM CALLING MUSTANGS "INVASIVE SPECIES" ~ WILD HORSES are NATIVE to NORTH AMERICA by Annie Mond (Notes)
on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 12:24pm PLEASE SHARE THIS NOTE - THE PUBLIC NEEDS TO KNOW THIS ! I wished I did not need to post this of BRAVEHEART! However if I did not YOU would NOT know!!!
It is so extremely horrific that we are treating any living beings in these manner!!! Please share far and wide!!!! THE WILD HORSE IS NATIVE TO NORTH AMERICA 13 FEBRUARY 2012 By Ross MacPhee, PhD, Curator - Division of Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY It needs to be more widely understood that the horse's status as a native North American species is beyond serious question. A "native" species, in evolutionary terms, is defined as one that differentiated or diverged from its immediate ancestor species within a specific geographical locale. The contemporary wild horse in the United States is recently derived from lines domesticated in Europe and Asia. But those lines themselves go much further back in time, and converge on populations that lived in North America during the latter part of the Pleistocene (2.5M to 10k years ago). The morphological (fossil) evidence and the more recent DNA evidence (although preliminary), points to the same conclusion: the species Equus caballus—the species encompassing all domestic horses and their wild progenitors—arose on this continent. The evidence thus favors the view that this species is "native" to North America, given any rational understanding of the term "native". By contrast, there are no paleontological or genetic grounds for concluding that it is native to any other continent. From a scientific standpoint, it is completely irrelevant that native horses died out in North America 10,000 years ago, or that later populations were domesticated in central Asia 6000 years ago. Such considerations have no bearing on their status as having originated on this continent. Reintroduction of horses to North America 500 years ago is, biologically, a non-event: horses were merely returned to part of their former native range, where they have since prospered because ecologically they never left. ALSO... PLEASE READ THE IMPORTANT DOCUMENT BELOW : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-zNiS1uqCWZ9PimwJpaVdY7NC57hxdGKDCLXbCEYb8c/edit?pli=1 (live link in comments!) PLEASE USE this IMPORTANT information when communicating with legislators, media, educating people new to the issue of BLM roundups of wild horses, and also the same information is pertinent for Canadian wild horses at risk. Wild Horses in Canada
British Columbia
* FoNV - B.C. Travel Guide - Friends of the Nemaiah Valley
* Friends of the Nemaiah Valley - Historical evidence is clear that they long preceded European settlement. Brittany Triangle, B.C. * * Wild Horse Ranger - For Friends of Nemaiah Valley Alberta
Wild Horses in United States of America
* A Stallion's Courage - Freedom
New Mexico
* Monero Mustangs - Wild Horses of New Mexico
* Wild Horses - Cody Wyoming (Rolling Stones)
* Wild Horses in Wyoming _ Wyoming Tourism * Wild Horse release - White Mountain, Wyoming * Fire Horses, Harnessing, 1903 - thank you to the Art Horse Magazine for this remarkable video!!!
* The significance of hair in Native American Culture I included this tremendous video due to the strong fact that our Native Indians are so spiritually connected to the wolves and wild horses! ♥ Horse Links
* Cases of Adverse Events of the West Nile Vaccine If you are a horse breeder and are going to give the WNV you had better view this information!!! * Con: Cattle Grazing Is Incompatible with Conservation by Karen Klitz and Jeff Miller on May 07, 2015 Arabian Horses
* Bask Afire Bay |