♥ Shiraz ♥
Can.Int'l.Ch.Violet Sky Silver Angel TP RN CGN/CGC HIT
Monday August 7th, 2017
One of the most saddest days today as for I made the most heart wrenching decision to release my Matriarch and Queen ... my dearest Shiraz.
I sadly released my Silver Angel into the Violet Sky. Tonight was the first time I have been able to see the ✨stars ✨as I looked into the smokey night sky, one star seems to shine brightly. I had read something about when you lose a loved one and finding a star ... ✨ Oh how it hurt gazing at that star thinking of Shiraz the Matriarch of my Poodle Pack and how I miss her regal presence ... I know it will take time for the pain of her loss to soften.
Shiraz was my first homebred of Violet Standard Poodles.
A week ago we celebrated her 16th Birthday!
Sweet dreams my Queen 💔 sweet dreams ...💔
August 1st, 2001 - August 7th, 2017
Monday August 7th, 2017
One of the most saddest days today as for I made the most heart wrenching decision to release my Matriarch and Queen ... my dearest Shiraz.
I sadly released my Silver Angel into the Violet Sky. Tonight was the first time I have been able to see the ✨stars ✨as I looked into the smokey night sky, one star seems to shine brightly. I had read something about when you lose a loved one and finding a star ... ✨ Oh how it hurt gazing at that star thinking of Shiraz the Matriarch of my Poodle Pack and how I miss her regal presence ... I know it will take time for the pain of her loss to soften.
Shiraz was my first homebred of Violet Standard Poodles.
A week ago we celebrated her 16th Birthday!
Sweet dreams my Queen 💔 sweet dreams ...💔
August 1st, 2001 - August 7th, 2017
♥ ♥ ♥
Tuesday August 1st, 2017
Happiest day today
as my beautiful amazing Shiraz turned 16 years old!!!
She is my Queen and the Matriarch which I highly doubt any other
poodle I have
will be able live up to!
♥ ♥ ♥
Huge thank you to Bonnie Judd for putting together this most thoughtful and appreciated video of my dear girl! We have celebrated three birthdays for
Shiraz at her K9 Fun Pool!
Please enjoy this special memory with me of
Shiraz's Sweet Sixteenth Birthday! ♥
Tuesday August 1st, 2017
Happiest day today
as my beautiful amazing Shiraz turned 16 years old!!!
She is my Queen and the Matriarch which I highly doubt any other
poodle I have
will be able live up to!
♥ ♥ ♥
Huge thank you to Bonnie Judd for putting together this most thoughtful and appreciated video of my dear girl! We have celebrated three birthdays for
Shiraz at her K9 Fun Pool!
Please enjoy this special memory with me of
Shiraz's Sweet Sixteenth Birthday! ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ Shiraz's ♥
♥ Championship Show Page ♥
Shiraz is our first silver in our first homebred litter of
Standard Poodles and is my 2nd Homebred Canadian Champion.
♥ To date Shiraz has produced for the conformation ring,
7 Canadian Champions, 3 silver American Champions and
1 silver Australian Champion who is very possibly the youngest and quickest finishing silver American Champion puppy in the U.S.A. and the
first ever silver Standard to achieve a
Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show
and on to
Multiple Best in Shows in Australia!!! ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
Standard Poodles and is my 2nd Homebred Canadian Champion.
♥ To date Shiraz has produced for the conformation ring,
7 Canadian Champions, 3 silver American Champions and
1 silver Australian Champion who is very possibly the youngest and quickest finishing silver American Champion puppy in the U.S.A. and the
first ever silver Standard to achieve a
Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show
and on to
Multiple Best in Shows in Australia!!! ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
* PEDIGREE for Shiraz
* Health Testing on OFA
♥ ♥ ♥
Don't forget to click onto photos to enlarge and colour print for Links!
* Health Testing on OFA
♥ ♥ ♥
Don't forget to click onto photos to enlarge and colour print for Links!
International Championship Title
International All Breed Canine Association
Cloverdale, B.C.
A fun weekend with our poodles where new friendships began! ♥
Cloverdale, B.C.
A fun weekend with our poodles where new friendships began! ♥
Auld Lang Syne
July 2002
Finished as a puppy we have
Canadian Champion Violet Sky Silver Angel
July 2002
Finished as a puppy we have
Canadian Champion Violet Sky Silver Angel

Somewhere I have the information of her special day and who this Judge was.
I'll come across it soon I hope!
I'll come across it soon I hope!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ New York Times Fashion Shoot!!! ♥
Poodle Club of America, Inc.
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
Thursday June 13, 2002
What an exciting invitation for our Standard Poodles at PCA
including myself with Shiraz for this photo shoot with a
Fashion Model for the New York Times!
I was shopping on the upper levels as this show is the best place to shop
for all things POODLE!!!
When I looked down to the show rings I saw it already taking place!
Thankfully Terri was able to take Shiraz in for me which I am
again thankful for!
Beside Shiraz ♥ Violet Sky Silver Angel ♥ and Terri Meyers (on the right)
are Rachel Corbin with I am suspecting to be Staci ♥ Ch.Litilann's Siren and the
Fashion Model with an all time favourite Rosie ♥ Ch.Litilann's Absotivly Rosie! ♥
These images are to appear in the
New York Times later on in the summer of 2002!
♥ New York Times Fashion Shoot!!! ♥
Poodle Club of America, Inc.
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
Thursday June 13, 2002
What an exciting invitation for our Standard Poodles at PCA
including myself with Shiraz for this photo shoot with a
Fashion Model for the New York Times!
I was shopping on the upper levels as this show is the best place to shop
for all things POODLE!!!
When I looked down to the show rings I saw it already taking place!
Thankfully Terri was able to take Shiraz in for me which I am
again thankful for!
Beside Shiraz ♥ Violet Sky Silver Angel ♥ and Terri Meyers (on the right)
are Rachel Corbin with I am suspecting to be Staci ♥ Ch.Litilann's Siren and the
Fashion Model with an all time favourite Rosie ♥ Ch.Litilann's Absotivly Rosie! ♥
These images are to appear in the
New York Times later on in the summer of 2002!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Poodle Club of America
Poodle Club of America, Inc.
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
June 8 to 14, 2002
Thursday June 13, 2002
Shiraz and I did the big entrance ourselves in the
Senior Puppy Bitches (9 to 12 month) Class that had a total of 22 bitches!
Like I said before however it's for the Pros!
Thank you Terri for being able to make it out of the Toy Poodle Ring just in time to present Shiraz to Judge Jack MacGillivray and then taking her onto a
4th place out of 22 bitches!!!
Our first puppy to compete for Violet Standard Poodles and a SILVER,
then place at the largest Poodle Show in the World,
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
June 8 to 14, 2002
Thursday June 13, 2002
Shiraz and I did the big entrance ourselves in the
Senior Puppy Bitches (9 to 12 month) Class that had a total of 22 bitches!
Like I said before however it's for the Pros!
Thank you Terri for being able to make it out of the Toy Poodle Ring just in time to present Shiraz to Judge Jack MacGillivray and then taking her onto a
4th place out of 22 bitches!!!
Our first puppy to compete for Violet Standard Poodles and a SILVER,
then place at the largest Poodle Show in the World,

♥ ♥ ♥
In conjunction with
Poodle Club of America, Inc.
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
is the Silver Match
Monday June 10, 2002
Shiraz and I competing below against other silver and blue Standard Poodles.
A fun time for us judged by Tina Yuhl. I later on enjoyed shopping at the beautiful raffle tables set up! Thank you to everyone that participates and
volunteers at this most beautiful show!
Poodle Club of America, Inc.
The Show Place Arena
Prince George's Equestrian Center
Upper Marlboro, Maryland, U.S.A.
is the Silver Match
Monday June 10, 2002
Shiraz and I competing below against other silver and blue Standard Poodles.
A fun time for us judged by Tina Yuhl. I later on enjoyed shopping at the beautiful raffle tables set up! Thank you to everyone that participates and
volunteers at this most beautiful show!
♥ ♥ ♥
Needing 1 point now to finish her Canadian Championship,
off Shiraz and I went with all of her big puppy hair for Terri to do her
absolutely beautiful scissoring magic on her.
After two airplane rides, we caught up with Terri Meyers for our
road trip to Poodle Club of America 70th National Specialty and
my third time at PCA (2002).
First is a small road trip (compared to Maryland that is) to West Fargo,
North Dakota where Shiraz and I took Reserve Winners Bitch twice to a major out of three days then back to Terri's to get ready and off to the
Greatest Show on Earth!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Needing 1 point now to finish her Canadian Championship,
off Shiraz and I went with all of her big puppy hair for Terri to do her
absolutely beautiful scissoring magic on her.
After two airplane rides, we caught up with Terri Meyers for our
road trip to Poodle Club of America 70th National Specialty and
my third time at PCA (2002).
First is a small road trip (compared to Maryland that is) to West Fargo,
North Dakota where Shiraz and I took Reserve Winners Bitch twice to a major out of three days then back to Terri's to get ready and off to the
Greatest Show on Earth!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Vancouver Island Dog Fanciers
Saanich Fairground
Saanichton, BC
May 2002
What a thrill it was to compete and place over 10 Standard Poodles
for a 4 point win (including a Best In Show Special) ... Breeder/Owner/Handled & Groomed by myself from my first litter!
We continued on to compete in the Non Sporting Group where we received a Group 4th & Best Puppy in Group!!
Saanich Fairground
Saanichton, BC
May 2002
What a thrill it was to compete and place over 10 Standard Poodles
for a 4 point win (including a Best In Show Special) ... Breeder/Owner/Handled & Groomed by myself from my first litter!
We continued on to compete in the Non Sporting Group where we received a Group 4th & Best Puppy in Group!!
This was a very prestigious win with the total of 5 points (the most you can get at one show) for a silver puppy now putting Shiraz on 9 points
towards her Canadian Championship title!!! ♥
Thank you Judge Maxine Beam for finding the quality in my Shiraz.
I had purposely left extra hair on Shiraz as for this was the weekend before
I was to take her to Terri Meyers of Swag Poodles in Minnesota, U.S.A. hence the reason I have a lot of hair on her in this photo above is for Terri to put
her very special Puppy Trim on Shiraz for PCA!!!
towards her Canadian Championship title!!! ♥
Thank you Judge Maxine Beam for finding the quality in my Shiraz.
I had purposely left extra hair on Shiraz as for this was the weekend before
I was to take her to Terri Meyers of Swag Poodles in Minnesota, U.S.A. hence the reason I have a lot of hair on her in this photo above is for Terri to put
her very special Puppy Trim on Shiraz for PCA!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Nicola Valley Kennel Club
Voght Park
Merritt, B.C.
May 18 to 20th, 2002
Larry and I drove up to Merritt in the Yukon with the two pups for our first outdoor show! Montana (his first show) got his 1st point for Winners Male on Friday with 2 more on Sunday for Winners Male, Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed with sister Shiraz taking her second set of 2 points with six bitches competing taking Winners Female and Best Opposite Sex putting her
onto 4 points towards her Canadian Championship Title.
Voght Park
Merritt, B.C.
May 18 to 20th, 2002
Larry and I drove up to Merritt in the Yukon with the two pups for our first outdoor show! Montana (his first show) got his 1st point for Winners Male on Friday with 2 more on Sunday for Winners Male, Best of Winners and Best Puppy in Breed with sister Shiraz taking her second set of 2 points with six bitches competing taking Winners Female and Best Opposite Sex putting her
onto 4 points towards her Canadian Championship Title.
Thankfully we were staying at a hotel as it was a wet weekend off and
on which caught us without a proper awning at the show!
We made do with what we could get however you know what went shopping for later on back at home! LOL
on which caught us without a proper awning at the show!
We made do with what we could get however you know what went shopping for later on back at home! LOL
♥ ♥ ♥
Shiraz's first Show & first point
Renaissance Dog Association
AGRI-PLEX, Cloverdale Fairgrounds,
Cloverdale, B.C.
Sunday April 14, 2002
Thank you to Judge Libuse Ubrova from the Czech Republic
for our first 2 points from the Junior Puppy Female Class taking
Winners Female with four puppy bitches competing and then Best Opposite Sex.
AGRI-PLEX, Cloverdale Fairgrounds,
Cloverdale, B.C.
Sunday April 14, 2002
Thank you to Judge Libuse Ubrova from the Czech Republic
for our first 2 points from the Junior Puppy Female Class taking
Winners Female with four puppy bitches competing and then Best Opposite Sex.
Renaissance Dog Association
AGRI-PLEX, Cloverdale Fairgrounds,
Cloverdale, B.C.
Saturday April 13, 2002
Today under Judge Lynn J Lee from New South Wales, Australia,
Shiraz took Reserve Winners Female from the Junior Puppy Female Class.
♥ ♥ ♥
AGRI-PLEX, Cloverdale Fairgrounds,
Cloverdale, B.C.
Saturday April 13, 2002
Today under Judge Lynn J Lee from New South Wales, Australia,
Shiraz took Reserve Winners Female from the Junior Puppy Female Class.
♥ ♥ ♥