Puppy Mills
Do you really know where you are getting your puppy from ... I mean do you really know ... I bet you you do not!!!
* National Mill Dog Rescue |
** The Unexpected Outcome of Stiff New Pet Breeding Laws - by Dr.Karen Becker **
** WI-FI Action Kit: Citizens for Safe Technology **
Empowering the public to protect children and nature from unsafe wireless technologies.
Urgent: help is needed for responsible dog breeders!!!
THIS IS a USDA licensed, compliant, LEGAL kennel that
will be allowed to stay in business should this law pass.
Thanks to everyone who has been signing and spreading the word! :o) Keep it up! AKC's petition has passed 71,100 current signatures now!
Come on people sign sign sign and please be involved!!!
REMEMBER - this is NOT about stopping puppy mills! Puppy mills are ALREADY licensed by the USDA! This will take smaller GOOD responsible show and hobby breeders forcing them to keep their pups and dogs to the SAME standards as those "commercial breeders" (aka: large puppy mills).
HSUS & PETA are trying to end all pet ownership! Cut off all breeders, force owners to spay/neuter, until there are no more being born, and eventually our domesticated pets and farm animals become EXTINCT!!! This is their hidden agenda!
DO NOT DONATE TO THESE GROUPS! They lie, and play on people's emotions to steal your money, while PETA kills 98% of animals in it's care and HSUS gives LESS THAN 1% of it's money to REAL animal shelters and humane societies around the country, they also use their money and propaganda to PROMOTE breed specific legislation to have many of our breeds banned and killed throughout the country!
** Please donate to your favourite breed rescue in your own neighbourhood or Province/State!!! **
Some links about the proposed law change:
Write to your Congressmen: http://the-cavalry-group.rallycongress.com/6980/urge-congress-take-action-to-support-cavalry-group-mission/?m=3182323
Sign AKC's petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/join-with-the-akc-to-protect-responsible-small-breeders.html
Where will you get your next beloved canine friends from.... how about the toy store as in a stuffed toy shape as in the photo above of my little Grandson.... :( This is truly where it will be!!!! I certainly will not have my sweet mommas outside in a shed type facility and not beside my bed in my bedroom!! No way in hell!!!
THIS IS a USDA licensed, compliant, LEGAL kennel that
will be allowed to stay in business should this law pass.
Thanks to everyone who has been signing and spreading the word! :o) Keep it up! AKC's petition has passed 71,100 current signatures now!
Come on people sign sign sign and please be involved!!!
REMEMBER - this is NOT about stopping puppy mills! Puppy mills are ALREADY licensed by the USDA! This will take smaller GOOD responsible show and hobby breeders forcing them to keep their pups and dogs to the SAME standards as those "commercial breeders" (aka: large puppy mills).
HSUS & PETA are trying to end all pet ownership! Cut off all breeders, force owners to spay/neuter, until there are no more being born, and eventually our domesticated pets and farm animals become EXTINCT!!! This is their hidden agenda!
DO NOT DONATE TO THESE GROUPS! They lie, and play on people's emotions to steal your money, while PETA kills 98% of animals in it's care and HSUS gives LESS THAN 1% of it's money to REAL animal shelters and humane societies around the country, they also use their money and propaganda to PROMOTE breed specific legislation to have many of our breeds banned and killed throughout the country!
** Please donate to your favourite breed rescue in your own neighbourhood or Province/State!!! **
Some links about the proposed law change:
Write to your Congressmen: http://the-cavalry-group.rallycongress.com/6980/urge-congress-take-action-to-support-cavalry-group-mission/?m=3182323
Sign AKC's petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/join-with-the-akc-to-protect-responsible-small-breeders.html
Where will you get your next beloved canine friends from.... how about the toy store as in a stuffed toy shape as in the photo above of my little Grandson.... :( This is truly where it will be!!!! I certainly will not have my sweet mommas outside in a shed type facility and not beside my bed in my bedroom!! No way in hell!!!
Where have all the breeders gone?
Five years from now, you are interested in a new pup, from the kind of quality, reputable breeder you've had in the past. The breeder you
have dealt with in the past has "retired". So, you do what responsible owners do and look for your next heart dog. Alas, all that is to be found are puppies from USDA regulated breeders. Pups who have never been socialized to dogs other than their moms or siblings. (current USDA regulation) Code of Federal Regulations 9 Section 3.6 (2) Compatibility. All dogs housed in the same primary enclosure must be compatible, as determined by observation. Not more than 12 adult non conditioned dogs may be housed in the same primary enclosure. Bitches in heat may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with sexually mature males, except for breeding. Except when maintained in breeding colonies, bitches with litters may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with other adult dogs, and puppies under 4 months of age may not be housed in the same primary enclosure with adult dogs, other than the dam or foster dam. Dogs with a vicious or aggressive disposition must be housed separately. Pups who haven't a clue what a carpeted surface is: (current USDA regulation) Code of Federal Regulations 9 Section 3.3 (e) Surfaces. (1) The following areas in sheltered housing facilities must be impervious to moisture: (i) Indoor floor areas in contact with the animals; (ii) Outdoor floor areas in contact with the animals, when the floor areas are not exposed to the direct sun, or are made of a hard material such as wire, wood, metal, or concrete; and (iii) All walls, boxes, houses, dens, and other surfaces in contact with the animals. (2) Outside floor areas in contact with the animals and exposed to the direct sun may consist of compacted earth, absorbent bedding, sand, gravel, or grass. You keep looking, there are no "good" breeder's left. Why? All of the "good breeders" retired rather than keeping their dogs in the above conditions. There was no one to follow in their foot steps, no "next" generation of breeders. Why? |
. . . continued.
Because the proposed regulation changes eliminated them before they could get started:
(Proposed Rule Change direct from the USDA website): We are also proposing to increase from three to four the number of breeding female dogs, cats, and/or small exotic or wild mammals that a person may maintain on his or her premises and be exempt from the licensing and inspection requirements if he or she sells only the offspring of those animals born and raised on his or her premises, for pets or exhibition. Consider carefully these words: ONLY THE OFFSPRING OF THOSE ANIMALS BORN AND RAISED ON HIS OR HER PREMISES. OFFSPRING (emphasis on OFFSPRING) of those animals BORN and RAISED on his or her premises. Five years from now, all pet dogs (cats too!) will come from the same commercial facilities which raise and supply animals for laboratories. Responsible breeder's will have been eliminated by the USDA proposed rule change to the Retail Pet Store regulation and the PUPS bill. Think carefully about your next dog, about the dogs of the future that your family members may wish to own. Whether you are a dog owner or not, please help protect our canine resources for future generations. Oppose the USDA rule change and the PUPS bill. Write today, now to the people who can stop this. USDA: http://www.regulations.gov/#!submitComment;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001 Legislators: http://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml References : USDA Animal Welfare Regulations http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_welfare/downloads/awr/awr.pdf USDA Proposed Rule Change http://www.aphis.usda.gov/newsroom/2012/05/pdf/docket_APHIS_2011_0003.pdf A Concerned Dog owner (please feel free to cross post!) * The International Cat Association Legislative |
Shadow * Alaskan Malamute of Kelowna
Friday, July 20, 2012
Outpouring of support for Shadow the dog!!
A story about an Okanogan dog on death row has generated a tremendous reaction from viewers, resulting in numerous calls to the Global BC and CHBC newsrooms from concerned pet lovers.
On Wednesday, CHBC News ran a story about an Alaskan Malamute named Shadow that has been in solitary confinement in “doggie jail” for 15 months after allegedly biting a Lake Country woman in the leg. Regional District dog control officers are seeking a court order to have Shadow destroyed.
During the first two days of the trial this week, an independent witness to the incident told a judge Shadow did not bite the woman; while a lawyer for Shadow’s owners say the victim’s own dog may have been the animal responsible for the bite.
Since the story aired, dozens of viewers from across the province have called to express their concerns about the conditions Shadow is being held in.
Read it on Global News: Global BC | Outpouring of support for Shadow the dog
Outpouring of support for Shadow the dog!!
A story about an Okanogan dog on death row has generated a tremendous reaction from viewers, resulting in numerous calls to the Global BC and CHBC newsrooms from concerned pet lovers.
On Wednesday, CHBC News ran a story about an Alaskan Malamute named Shadow that has been in solitary confinement in “doggie jail” for 15 months after allegedly biting a Lake Country woman in the leg. Regional District dog control officers are seeking a court order to have Shadow destroyed.
During the first two days of the trial this week, an independent witness to the incident told a judge Shadow did not bite the woman; while a lawyer for Shadow’s owners say the victim’s own dog may have been the animal responsible for the bite.
Since the story aired, dozens of viewers from across the province have called to express their concerns about the conditions Shadow is being held in.
Read it on Global News: Global BC | Outpouring of support for Shadow the dog
Raw Food. Really!!! Now this . .
July 18, 2012
Now we need to protect our rights to have the choice to feed raw food?!! Of course with everything we do we must research and learn the proper ways etc. Oh dear this is just too much. Please help spread the word. * VERY Bad News for Raw Feeders * Pet Partners Program: Raw Protein Diet Policy Unrelated but just too much beauty not too share amongst all the sadness in our daily lives! Please take a moment to enjoy! * What a wonderful world |
Now we need to protect our rights to have the choice to feed raw food?!! Of course with everything we do we must research and learn the proper ways etc. Oh dear this is just too much. Please help spread the word.
* Veterinary Raw Feeding Policy? - Show #419 This week, Dr. Kim and Dr. Jeannie will share more natural animal health news & events as well as the philosophy of animal naturopathy. The topic this week is on the upcoming discussion on a possible raw food policy the veterinary association wants to institute for veterinarians. Join us as we once again disseminate the truth! To learn more visit the American Council of Animal Naturopathy for courses in small animal naturopathy and carnivore nutrition. |