** Opal is retired and now living with her Poodle Niece
that she helped Sparkle raise! :)
♥ ♥ ♥
** Opal is retired and now living with her Poodle Niece
that she helped Sparkle raise! :)
♥ ♥ ♥
Two New Titles for Opal!
As I made that tough decision to allow Opal to go to a home, I saw an opportunity to have a little fun with her in Rally with a few days to spare!!!
Although I have not been working with my dogs much due to recovering from a concussion and she was not ready to Trial nor was I for that matter,
we did it anyways!!! LOL
Although I have not been working with my dogs much due to recovering from a concussion and she was not ready to Trial nor was I for that matter,
we did it anyways!!! LOL
I saw that we will able to post enter at the Trials so we did for three
Trials in Rally Novice A Class.
Trials in Rally Novice A Class.
Golden Retriever Club of B.C.
Saturday March 7, 2015
Trial #2 under Judge Mrs.Marion Postgate not ready but we were willing!
We accomplished a qualifying score of 98.0 timed at 1:29:40 for a
2nd place out of 12 dogs. :)
Saturday March 7, 2015
Trial #2 under Judge Mrs.Marion Postgate not ready but we were willing!
We accomplished a qualifying score of 98.0 timed at 1:29:40 for a
2nd place out of 12 dogs. :)
Golden Retriever Club of B.C.
Sunday March 8, 2015
Trial #3 under Judge Mrs.Norma Schaffer. Qualifying Score of 95 timed at 1:45:12 for 2nd place out of 10 dogs.
Trial # 4 under Judge Mrs.Norma Schaffer. Qualifying Score of 94 timed at 2:20:56 (I had forgotten to count how many times I passed through the center line in the figure eight, so I asked to redo that station which added on 3 points for the repeat of station along with more time. Talk about a handlers error for as when I looked at the video I had completed it correctly the first time but
just got lost!!! LOL )
Sunday March 8, 2015
Trial #3 under Judge Mrs.Norma Schaffer. Qualifying Score of 95 timed at 1:45:12 for 2nd place out of 10 dogs.
Trial # 4 under Judge Mrs.Norma Schaffer. Qualifying Score of 94 timed at 2:20:56 (I had forgotten to count how many times I passed through the center line in the figure eight, so I asked to redo that station which added on 3 points for the repeat of station along with more time. Talk about a handlers error for as when I looked at the video I had completed it correctly the first time but
just got lost!!! LOL )
We received our Rally Novice Title (RN) and also our
Canine Good Neighbour Title (CGN).
Opal is now Can.Ch.Marechal Opal Violet TP RN CGN (Imp Aus)
♥ ♥ ♥
Canine Good Neighbour Title (CGN).
Opal is now Can.Ch.Marechal Opal Violet TP RN CGN (Imp Aus)
♥ ♥ ♥
Opal at Canine Fitness!!!
Opal having a good time at my good friends class for
Wag’n Well Pet Fitness.
Terri set up a fun Christmas themed course for us all.
Not sure who had the most fun ... canines or humans!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Wag’n Well Pet Fitness.
Terri set up a fun Christmas themed course for us all.
Not sure who had the most fun ... canines or humans!!!
♥ ♥ ♥
Opal our little Movie Star!!!
* Opal on the TV Series SUPERNATURAL
Dog Dean Afternoon - Season 9 Episode 5
♥ ♥ ♥
Dog Dean Afternoon - Season 9 Episode 5
♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
* Opal *
Can.Ch.Marechal Opal Violet TP(Imp Aus)
I love this little Australian Gem . . .
. . . as she is very full of herself
hence her name
as she is as colourful and bright as an one!
She also comes from Australia
Its pearly colour and delicate tints make it a truly exquisite gem.
(which describes our little Opal)
Coober Pedy Opals Australia
(origination of Opals name)
Opal gem links to admire.
*To view more information on Opal please click onto the links below *
* Opal's Pedigree
* Opal's OFA Health Screening
hence her name
as she is as colourful and bright as an one!
She also comes from Australia
Its pearly colour and delicate tints make it a truly exquisite gem.
(which describes our little Opal)
Coober Pedy Opals Australia
(origination of Opals name)
Opal gem links to admire.
*To view more information on Opal please click onto the links below *
* Opal's Pedigree
* Opal's OFA Health Screening
Showing Opal in Canada . . . .

Saturday November 22, 2008
(afternoon show)
Group Six Specialty Show
Opal places
Winners Female &
Best of Winners again over an Am.Champion/Canadian Best In Specialty Show winner and places
Best of Breed over a
Best in Show Special bitch
from the 12 to 18 month class under Judge Roberto Del Puerto!!!
I wanted to wear the special scarf Erica gave me from Australia at PCA 2006 when Skyler and Santos showed in Maryland but I didn`t have a outfit to do it justice so I wrapped it around my PCA grooming bag at ringside for good luck!!! Opal and I made the cut in Group and we were placed 5th in line behind the Group 4th placement.
I was so very happy to be where we were!! We were behind some very nice Group placing Specials plus one puppy.
Comments: Judge Roberto Del Puerto said she was a very exquisite girl with beautiful reach and drive! :)
. . . . . she is full of herself and
loves to please as well.
Opal`s Blog
(afternoon show)
Group Six Specialty Show
Opal places
Winners Female &
Best of Winners again over an Am.Champion/Canadian Best In Specialty Show winner and places
Best of Breed over a
Best in Show Special bitch
from the 12 to 18 month class under Judge Roberto Del Puerto!!!
I wanted to wear the special scarf Erica gave me from Australia at PCA 2006 when Skyler and Santos showed in Maryland but I didn`t have a outfit to do it justice so I wrapped it around my PCA grooming bag at ringside for good luck!!! Opal and I made the cut in Group and we were placed 5th in line behind the Group 4th placement.
I was so very happy to be where we were!! We were behind some very nice Group placing Specials plus one puppy.
Comments: Judge Roberto Del Puerto said she was a very exquisite girl with beautiful reach and drive! :)
. . . . . she is full of herself and
loves to please as well.
Opal`s Blog
American Championship Title
At this time we are not pursuing
the American Championship as I feel it is too unrealistic these days
regardless of Opals worthiness as she is very
worthy and deserving with lovely body, structure & movement!!!
We want to go and PLAY using
our brains with her enthusiastic
athletic ability!!!
I look forward to starting some obedience with her.
You may view her accomplishments here on Opal's American BLOG
the American Championship as I feel it is too unrealistic these days
regardless of Opals worthiness as she is very
worthy and deserving with lovely body, structure & movement!!!
We want to go and PLAY using
our brains with her enthusiastic
athletic ability!!!
I look forward to starting some obedience with her.
You may view her accomplishments here on Opal's American BLOG
MT BAKER KENNEL CLUB INC., Lynden, Washington, U.S.A.
May 21, 2011
Opal comes out once again however this time she is in a HCC!!! Historically Correct Continental Trim!!! We place over two other bitches for Winners Female for 1 point putting her onto 4 points now. Many thanks to Judge Marjorie Underwood for recognizing this wonderful & correct trim!!!!
May 21, 2011
Opal comes out once again however this time she is in a HCC!!! Historically Correct Continental Trim!!! We place over two other bitches for Winners Female for 1 point putting her onto 4 points now. Many thanks to Judge Marjorie Underwood for recognizing this wonderful & correct trim!!!!
I am looking forward to some Performance . . .

. . . . activities with Opal.
Starting at Rally Obedience and then some Agility. Opal is all that and more. Perhaps some Sheep Herding as well.
She has a lot to offer the breed. I may pair her up with Santos once more in the future as I was very pleased with the offspring.
With this successful litter of the first breeding of Opal paired to my silver dog Santos, she became a Top Producer with three Canadian Champions.
To learn more of the pedigrees and health screenings please go to
Litter of 2010
Santos and Opal's
Canadian Champion offspring