♥ Kareem ♥
Championship Page
... which means
in the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) Canadian Championship Title Versatility Novice VN Versatility Advanced VA Rat Novice Title RATN Novice Trick Dog Title NTD Intermediate Trick Dog Title ITD Advanced Trick Dog Title ATD Canine Good Neighbour Title CGN Rally Obedience Novice Title RN Rally Obedience Intermediate Title RI Rally Obedience Advanced Title RA Rally Obedience Excellent Title RE Novice Sprinter Title NS Pre Novice Title PCD Companion Dog Title CD Best Veteran in Specialty Show BVISS ♥ ♥ ♥ |
Reserve Best in Show Best Bred By Exhibitor RBIS BBE International Championship Title Int'l.Ch. |
... and in the American Kennel Club (AKC) Rally Novice RN Rat Novice Title RATN Canine Good Citizen Title CGC Trick Dog Novice Title TKN Trick Dog Intermediate Title TKI Trick Dog Advanced Title TKA Rat Instinct Title RATI Rally Intermediate Title RI Rally Advanced Title RA Rally Excellent Title RE ♥ ♥ ♥ |
Kareem has frozen semen available.
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♥ CKC Rally Obedience Page
♥ AKC Rally Obedience Page
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♥ Kareem's Show, Performance & Health Certificates
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ Pedigree
♥ OFA Testing
♥ CHIC #133459
♥ CKC Obedience Page
♥ Barn Hunt Page
♥ CKC Rally Obedience Page
♥ AKC Rally Obedience Page
♥ CKC Sprinter Page
♥ Versatility Page
♥ Kareem's Show, Performance & Health Certificates
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Canadian Championship Title
Chilliwack Heritage Park, Chilliwack, BC
September 13 to September 16, 2018
Chilliwack Heritage Park, Chilliwack, BC
September 13 to September 16, 2018
Friday September 14, 2018
Judge Colm Hastings from County Cork, Ireland (pictured above on right)
We took Winners Dog for our security point today so now I feel safe saying we are truly finished!
I could have moved him up to the Specials Only Class however I'd rather continue on with performance events. :)
Thursday September 13, 2018
Judge Juan Naveda Carrero from Cantabria, Spain
Today we went Winners Dog for 1 point then back in the show ring for another point taking
Best of Winners giving Kareem a total of 10 points and his
Canadian Championship Title!
Kareem is our 18th home bred Canadian Champion for
Violet Standard Poodles and is our 8th home bred silver Champion!
Friday September 14, 2018
Judge Colm Hastings from County Cork, Ireland (pictured above on right)
We took Winners Dog for our security point today so now I feel safe saying we are truly finished!
I could have moved him up to the Specials Only Class however I'd rather continue on with performance events. :)
Thursday September 13, 2018
Judge Juan Naveda Carrero from Cantabria, Spain
Today we went Winners Dog for 1 point then back in the show ring for another point taking
Best of Winners giving Kareem a total of 10 points and his
Canadian Championship Title!
Kareem is our 18th home bred Canadian Champion for
Violet Standard Poodles and is our 8th home bred silver Champion!
Pacific Kennel Club
Hazelmere RV Park & Campground
Surrey, British Columbia
July 26 to July 29, 2018
Sunday July 29, 2018
Judge Marion Postgate
Kareem went Winners Dog today for 1 more point giving him a total of 8 points
towards his Canadian Championship.
Pacific Kennel Club
Saturday July 28, 2018
Dr Terill S. Underberg
Unfortunately we were the only class dog that showed up today which means
Winners Dog and no points.
Hazelmere RV Park & Campground
Surrey, British Columbia
July 26 to July 29, 2018
Sunday July 29, 2018
Judge Marion Postgate
Kareem went Winners Dog today for 1 more point giving him a total of 8 points
towards his Canadian Championship.
Pacific Kennel Club
Saturday July 28, 2018
Dr Terill S. Underberg
Unfortunately we were the only class dog that showed up today which means
Winners Dog and no points.
Pacific Kennel Club
Friday July 27, 2018
Judge Dr. Riad Katrib Mir, Mexico
Today Kareem took Winners Male and then Best of Winners for a 2 point win
putting him on 7 points in total.
A special thank you Janine Starink for this lovely photo of my boy!
Pacific Kennel Club
Thursday July 26, 2018
Judge Eugene Pho, Alberta, Canada
Today was the first time Kareem had been sprayed up since his last time out as a puppy back in April 2017.
He went Reserve Winners Male to a lovely black dog from the USA that went onto a Group 1st under Judge Eugene Phoa.
Congratulation to Breeder Owner Handler Suzanne Warrington.
Four days of shows in very hot weather in the high 80's and 90's! Thankfully we felt the odd breeze!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Pacific Kennel Club
Friday July 27, 2018
Judge Dr. Riad Katrib Mir, Mexico
Today Kareem took Winners Male and then Best of Winners for a 2 point win
putting him on 7 points in total.
A special thank you Janine Starink for this lovely photo of my boy!
Pacific Kennel Club
Thursday July 26, 2018
Judge Eugene Pho, Alberta, Canada
Today was the first time Kareem had been sprayed up since his last time out as a puppy back in April 2017.
He went Reserve Winners Male to a lovely black dog from the USA that went onto a Group 1st under Judge Eugene Phoa.
Congratulation to Breeder Owner Handler Suzanne Warrington.
Four days of shows in very hot weather in the high 80's and 90's! Thankfully we felt the odd breeze!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
International Championship Title
IABCA International All Breed Canine Association
Northwest Washington Fair and Events Center
Lynden, Washington, U.S.A.
January 6 & 7, 2018
Kareem came out this weekend with Shimmer his dam to the International All Breed Canine Association Show.
This is a nice relaxed show that has a pleasant atmosphere where you can catch up with friends and dog lovers alike.
A little more time is spent with the judge as they write a critique on each individual dog which is then given to you as you exist the ring.
It was also a great reintroduction to the showring for Kareem as I had shaved him down after his
first Canadian Show weekend back in April 2017.
Northwest Washington Fair and Events Center
Lynden, Washington, U.S.A.
January 6 & 7, 2018
Kareem came out this weekend with Shimmer his dam to the International All Breed Canine Association Show.
This is a nice relaxed show that has a pleasant atmosphere where you can catch up with friends and dog lovers alike.
A little more time is spent with the judge as they write a critique on each individual dog which is then given to you as you exist the ring.
It was also a great reintroduction to the showring for Kareem as I had shaved him down after his
first Canadian Show weekend back in April 2017.
Saturday January 6, 2018
Show #1 Judge Kimberly Skiba, Canada
Rating V1
First in his Class for Dogs.
It was Shimmers time to shine taking Best of Breed & Best of Breed for Bred By Exhibitor
with a Group Second in Bred By Exhibitor
Saturday January 6, 2018
Show #2 Judge Robin Riel, U.S.A.
Rating V1
Kareem took Best of Breed & Best of Breed for Bred By Exhibitor
with a Group Third in either Non Sporting Group or Bred By Exhibitor in Non Sporting Group.
(Unfortunately updating six months later I am not remembering which Group it was as I sadly did not write it down)
During judging one of the judges (not mentioned) assumed the Standard Poodle in the present ring was the one from the previous show
they had already judged! It was not only a different Standard Poodle it was a different sex so I'd say it was Kareem!
We always have to pay attention to what is going on. I spoke up as soon as I could once I realized that judge had not gone over my boy!
I was very sadly disappointed with this judge error.
I did however appreciate that both Shimmer and Kareem took their place over each other today giving each one a fair chance.
♥ ♥ ♥
Sunday January 7, 2018
Show #3 Judge Mr.Peter Smith, England
Rating V1
Kareem took First in his Class for Dogs which also completed his International Championship Title.
Mr Peter Smith appreciated Shimmer over Kareem today giving her Best of Breed & a lovely Group First in Non Sporting Group,
Best of Breed & a Group First for Bred By Exhibitor in Non Sporting Group.
She went on to a Reserve Best in Show for Bred By Exhibitor!!!
Sunday January 7, 2018
Show #4 Judge Laura Myles, U.S.A.
Rating V1
Kareem took Best of Breed over Shimmer this afternoon with a Group Third in Non Sporting Group!
Then Best of Breed & a Group First for Bred By Exhibitor in Non Sporting Group.
Later on we went into the Best In Show Ring then on to win
Reserve Best in Show Bred By Exhibitor!!!
Very proud and pleased with my mother and son this weekend achieving their new
International Championship Titles & both taking a Reserve Best in Show Bred By Exhibitor!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Show #4 Judge Laura Myles, U.S.A.
Rating V1
Kareem took Best of Breed over Shimmer this afternoon with a Group Third in Non Sporting Group!
Then Best of Breed & a Group First for Bred By Exhibitor in Non Sporting Group.
Later on we went into the Best In Show Ring then on to win
Reserve Best in Show Bred By Exhibitor!!!
Very proud and pleased with my mother and son this weekend achieving their new
International Championship Titles & both taking a Reserve Best in Show Bred By Exhibitor!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Canadian Championship Page
April 15th to 17th, 2017
Renaissance Dog Association, Chilliwack, B.C.
Monday our last and fifth day in a row showing this weekend Kareem goes Winners Male however with no competition no points.
Sunday for our fourth show we took Winners Male under Dr.Robert Smith which unfortunately we had no competition so no points today.
Saturday for our third day, we showed under Judge Mrs.Rosemary Shoreman from Ontario competing from the Bred By Exhibitor Class for
Winners Male and Best of Winners for another 2 points putting Kareem onto a total of 5 points now towards his
Canadian Championship Title.
Renaissance Dog Association, Chilliwack, B.C.
Monday our last and fifth day in a row showing this weekend Kareem goes Winners Male however with no competition no points.
Sunday for our fourth show we took Winners Male under Dr.Robert Smith which unfortunately we had no competition so no points today.
Saturday for our third day, we showed under Judge Mrs.Rosemary Shoreman from Ontario competing from the Bred By Exhibitor Class for
Winners Male and Best of Winners for another 2 points putting Kareem onto a total of 5 points now towards his
Canadian Championship Title.
April 13th & 14th, 2017
Auld Lang Syne Dog Association, Chilliwack, B.C.
His second time out on Friday under Judge Mrs.Polly Smith from Virginia, Kareem goes Winners Male and Best of Winners
for 2 points putting him on 3 points towards his Title. As I am showing him from the Bred By Exhibitor Class
I somehow miss out on entering for the opportunity to compete for Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show.
Kareem came out Thursday to the Conformation Shows for the first time. For his puppy debut under Judge Mr.Murray Eason from Alberta, Kareem went Winners Dog then Best of Winners for 1 point towards his Canadian Championship Title.
Auld Lang Syne Dog Association, Chilliwack, B.C.
His second time out on Friday under Judge Mrs.Polly Smith from Virginia, Kareem goes Winners Male and Best of Winners
for 2 points putting him on 3 points towards his Title. As I am showing him from the Bred By Exhibitor Class
I somehow miss out on entering for the opportunity to compete for Best Bred By Exhibitor In Show.
Kareem came out Thursday to the Conformation Shows for the first time. For his puppy debut under Judge Mr.Murray Eason from Alberta, Kareem went Winners Dog then Best of Winners for 1 point towards his Canadian Championship Title.
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